The easiest analytical solution to use for every kind of user.

What is EDA

EDA is the easiest analytical solution to use.


  • It requires NO technical knowledge.
  • 100% Descriptive information.
  • Start-up in 10 minutes.
  • View results easily.
  • Explore the data for yourself.
  • Automates the publication of information.

How It Helps

With EDA You can:

  • Access to your information
    • Easily
    • Comfortably
    • Fast
  • Reduce costs because:
    • It is Open Source.
    • Speeds up the information publishing process.
    • It empowers business users.
  • Web access. From any device, from anywherer
  • Have different levels of security, public, shared and private information
  • Automation for the IT department

How EDA works

EDA is the easiest analytical solution to use. It require No technical knowledge.


1. Connect your database.


3. Enjoy.


Do you want to see it in action?



With EDA you can:

  • Create attractive reports in a simple way:
    • Just drag and drop fields.
    • With attractive graphics.
    • With tables and crosstabs.
    • With maps, KPIs and alerts
  • Generate data models automatically:
    • Just setting the database connection.
    • With the main databases on the market.
    • Querying your datawarehouse or directly the transactional.
    • Creating logical views.
    • Loading data from a CSV file.
  • Manage the security of your data
    • EDA is taking the data nowhere. Just launch queries.
    • Row level security.
    • Share reports with other users.
    • Define private, shared, or fully public reports.
    • Manage security internally or through your Active Directory.

How to have EDA?



Edalitics is the cloud EDA servie provided by Jortilles. From Edalitics free for small organizations to Edalitics Pro for the bigger ones

On my own:



 docker run -p 80:80 jortilles/eda:latest


User: eda@jortilles.com

Password: default



Donload the bundle form SourceForge. Unzip it and run  “run_eda.bat”. You only need to have node.js installed.

User: eda@jortilles.com

Password: default


From the source:

EDA is Open Source and the code is available on GitHub.

With support from the creators:


If you want to have EDA on your own servers, but you want support from the creators. We have support packages to help you with your local installation:


Free Trial






Base Support

2.250 €

40 hours of support to consume during a year

Advanced Support

5.125 €

100 hours of support to consume during a year

Total Support

9.875 €

250 hours of support to consume during a year

WordPress Pricing Table

Some customers who trust EDA:

Success stories: